May Newsletter 2024

Teri Ann Cox
Executive Director of The Children’s Center

Dear Center Families,

May is the month that educators and child care providers are nationally recognized.

Teacher Appreciation Week this year is May 6-10. It was Eleanor Roosevelt, back in 1953, who persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim such recognition. The National Education Association describes what was the first Tuesday of the month, and now has expanded to a week, as one “for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives.”

National Provider Appreciation Day, also known as National Child Care Provider Day, is celebrated annually on the Friday before Mother’s Day. This special day, started in 1996 by a group of volunteers in New Jersey, occurs this year on May 10. It recognizes child care professionals, early childhood education teachers, and nannies everywhere for their tireless efforts caring in particular for children of working parents. Child care providers and educators equally deserve a huge “thank you” for their dedication, commitment, and compassion during the earliest years of a child’s life. Recognition currently includes state proclamations signed each year by many of the Governors, including ours.

Our amazing team at The Children’s Center will be recognized on May 9th with a special 50th anniversary gift and thanked by the board of directors on May 10th with a morning spread of goodies. Please join me and our board in personally thanking your child’s teachers, our office team, the coordinators, and the kitchen crew too, who are committed to making The Children’s Center the safe, kind, nurturing, and fun learning environment that it is.

With kind regards,

Teri Ann

P.S. And to all our moms and women who love with a mother’s heart, Happy Mother’s Day to you all on Sunday, May 12th!  


April Newsletter 2024